In New Jersey, termination of parental rights (TPR) results in a parent’s complete loss of rights and legal authority over a subject child. TPR can occur if a parent has failed to address the issues that resulted in the removal of their child. TPR can also occur if the child has been, or will continue to be, in danger with the parent and the TPR will not do more harm than good. There are also a variety of statutory reasons for TPR proceedings. Psychologist can be retained to assess the psychological elements of these legal requirements.

Dr. Maddux has worked at Bronx Family Court Mental Health Services as an in-house expert and also at a center in New Jersey established by legislation for child-maltreatment evaluations.  He is a consultant for CPS in the state of New Jersey as well as the Office of the Public Defender.  He is happy to provide forensic psychology services for either side of the case as he is committed to delivering impartial and transparent evaluations of these issues.  Learn your options during a free no-obligation consultation with Dr. Maddux.